03 May 2020

Coffee Talk: Change

Change. Why is it that change can be so easy one moment and then difficult the next?

Throughout life we go through many changes – some easier than others. The way I see it, there are four levels of change.

Level 1: Changes that naturally happen without us having to think about it. For instance, your height. You don’t have to do anything in order to grow – it just naturally happens because it’s what the human body does.

Level 2: Optional changes. Things like cutting your hair, changing fashion styles, deciding to take a vacation, etc. These changes are all decisions you make, but don’t require much effort. Maybe a little bit of back and forth in your head, but you can make a decision and be happy with it.

Level 3: Changes you might not necessarily want to make, but you know you should. Perhaps your doctor advises you to cut back on the soda and junk food. You love soda and junk food, but you know they given advice is for the better of your health, so you cut down on your intake. You aren’t necessarily doing it because you’re happy about it, but rather because you know it’s what will make your body happy.

And finally, level 4.

Level 4: Changes you want to make, but it’s not necessary. This is the hardest level of change in my opinion. These are the changes you want to make to please others or because you think it’s what you need to do when it’s not. These are the changes that can do more harm than good to you.

Right now, I’m feel like I’m at level 4. There’s a change I want to make and I’m not sure if it’ll help or hurt me more in the end. A part of me says try to change – be that different girl and you won’t have to worry about getting hurt again. I’d be protecting myself from possible pain. The other part of me says don’t do it – it’s useless because you can’t be that girl you want to be. That by even trying I’m already hurting myself. Either way it just seems like I’m going to get hurt.

So, what do I do? Do I go with the level 4 change and take the risk of being hurt or even possibly hurting someone else? Or do I play it safe and not make the change? Nothing will change and maybe I’ll get hurt or maybe I won’t. Which path do I choose? Am I going to change or stay the same?

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