10 April 2014

Coffee Talk: Silver Linings

Every day can be a good one if you make it one. All you have to do is find the silver lining.

oragami / paper stars

Lately I've been trying to live with a positive mentality. Each day I try to tell myself I'm going to have a good day. In fact, in Communications we're taught that that type of thinking is a "self-fulfilling prophecy." If you believe something will happen then it will.

Now it's one thing for me to tell myself that I'm going to have a good day and then it's another thing for it to actually be true. I find myself continually struggling with this concept, especially as of lately. Between school and trying to find a job, the line between good and bad day is one that I walk almost every day. It wasn't until this morning that I realized that even if the day puts me through some crazy things, if I can find at least one positive thing about my day, then that equates to a good day in my book.

For instance, today I woke up in a pretty good mood but an incident at school had me feeling annoyed and frustrated. To sum up the incident, two boys on skateboards got mad at me for cutting a turn short because I was walking ahead of them. Now ignoring the fact that they came out of nowhere to begin with and that they almost ran into me, the fact that they blamed me for something they had control over was irksome. This encounter put me in a bad mood but as I was talking to my friends, I realized that next week Thursday is the start of Easter break for my university. That meant I would be getting a five day weekend (Thursday-Monday). On top of that my Professor told me that I didn't have to show up to Tuesday's class because she had met with me earlier this week. This meant that I only had class Monday and Wednesday! Pretty sweet deal if I do say so myself.

While my morning may have been a bit irritating I didn't let that turn my entire day into a total downfall. I found the silver lining in my approaching break from school and used that to turn my day into a positive.

If we approach each day with the mindset to find at least one positive thing that happened, then we can all have a good day every day. In the end, it's all about finding the silver lining.

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