01 April 2014

Coffee Talk: Leave Your Legacy

A stranger did it for you and now it's your turn. Impact a stranger's life. Leave your mark.

graduation cupcake

Um what? The email said drop by for a free, congratulatory cupcake. Am I at the wrong table? Those three thoughts were the only thing I could think of after the little speech I was given by an alumnus regarding the Senior Legacy Drive at my university. Don't get me wrong, it was nice to learn about how strangers helped contribute to my college experience, but just imagine how my utterly confused look must have made the alumnus feel. Talk about awkward moment.

Awkward moment aside, that mini speech about "impacting someone's life" and "leaving your mark" got me thinking. Why is it that when university's ask you to "leave your mark" and help, it's always in terms of how much money you can donate? Whatever happened to helping the university in ways that don't involve simply handing them a check or cash? What about helping the students in ways that will impact them directly?

I'm sure there is numerous ways alumni can help give back to their university. Individuals could offer to give guest lectures on their industry, act as connections for students looking for a foot in the door, or volunteer at school events. I know from experience that it's possible to have at least one guest speaker per semester for a course. I have had countless guest speakers come talk to my class about the industries that we as students can only hope to be apart of once we graduate. None of the guest speakers I've had were alumni of my university. If universities can get non-alumni as guest speakers, why not alumni?

Now, I'm not saying that I'm 100% against monetary donations; those help universities in other ways that volunteering can't. At the same time, I know that I won't be joining the Senior Legacy for my university for the sole reason that I'm graduating with lots of loans to pay-off and, so-far, no full-time job. Maybe in a few years once I've landed a secure job with a steady income I'll reconsider giving donations to my university, but for now what little money I do have needs to go toward my student loans and others expenses. Even if I decide not to donate money I'm more than willing to help my university in other ways. In fact, I would love to act as a contact for any student in the Communications department one day. I understand how scary it can be to reach out to complete strangers and how difficult it is to find internships and jobs.

If I could help impact at least one student directly and then that student went one to impact another and so forth, than isn't that more satisfying than donating money? A more satisfying way to impact a stranger's life? A more satisfying legacy?

To me, it would be a thousand times more satisfying.

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