It’s my favorite time of year and I’m not talking about all
the amazing holidays. I’m talking about SUMMER! I can never narrow down the
exact thing that makes summer my favorite. Maybe it’s being able to comfortably
wear shorts and tank tops without a jacket, or the sun on my skin. It could be
the sweet taste of a juicy watermelon on a scorching day. Or maybe it’s as
simple as the fact that I was born a summer baby.
Despite all the amazing things that summer brings, if there
was one thing that I could do without is how it only makes my oil-prone hair
more… oily. Disgusting, I know, but it’s the ugly truth. Through my teens and
college years I used to wash my hair every day to combat the oils from building
up too much. Since then I’ve learned to embrace my hair’s natural oils and only
wash my hair three times a week – Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. Once those
summer months hit, everything goes up in the air. As much as I love the warm
weather, sometimes the oil builds up so quickly that it becomes unbearable. To
combat the oils while still adhering to my strict hair routine, I either throw
on a hat, put my hair in a messy bun, or douse my hair in dry shampoo.